To legally work in Singapore, all foreign citizens must obtain a valid work visa, also known as a Singapore employment pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower(MOM).

After you’ve incorporated a Singapore company, all potential employers must apply for relevant employment passes for their foreign employees. Our experienced specialists can assist you with the following Singapore employment pass applications:

  • S-Pass
  • Employment Pass
  • Personalised Employment Pass
  • EntrePass
  • Tech Pass(EDB)

Singapore Employment Pass Requirements

1. S Pass

S Pass is issued to mid-level skilled foreign workers. The Foreigner Worker Levy is applicable. It ranges between S$315 and S$550 per worker. The Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) also mandated a Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC) for S Pass holders in different sector. In service sector company, the DRC is 35%. While assessing an S Pass application, MOM looks at the applicant’s qualifications, work experience, and a monthly salary of at least S$2,500 for young inexperienced applicants and more for experienced applicants.

2. Employment Pass (EP)

The MOM assesses an Employment Pass application based on the nature of Professional Manager Executive roles (PME) and whether the applicant has acceptable qualifications. The employment pass application can only be made by your employer and on your behalf. There is a minimum monthly salary of at least S$4,500 for young inexperienced applicants and more for experienced applicants. From 1 December 2020, the minimum qualifying salary for EPs in the Financial Services sector will be $5,000 for new applicants.
  • P1 Employment Pass. Fixed monthly salary of at least $8,000
  • P2 Employment Pass. Fixed monthly salary of at least $4,500

3. Personalised Employment Pass

This special category called the Personalised Employment Pass(PEP), is issued to top-tier professionals and is not tied to any employer. When granted, PEP holders are allowed to pursue any employment and are not required to reapply to MOM when they change jobs. But the Ministry does place a threshold of salary for individuals to apply for a PEP:
  • Last drawn (within six months) fixed monthly overseas salary must be at least S$18,000
  • Singapore’s EP holders with a monthly salary of S$12,000 or above can also apply for a PEP

4. EntrePass

EntrePass is a Singapore business visa which is granted to foreign entrepreneur willing to incorporate and run a private limited company in Singapore. MOM, along with SPRING Singapore are jointly responsible for this pass, and is normally granted to entrepreneurs looking to create innovative technologies and applications, or are investing in R&D-intensive enterprises dealing in bio-tech or clean-tech. Registered company with ACRA must be less than 6 months. To be successful, an EntrePass application must fulfill the following requirements:
Entrepreneur Innovator Investor
[1] Has funding from a Government-recognised VC or business angel [4] Holds intellectual property [7] Investment track record
[2] Is an incubatee at a Government-recognised incubator/accelerator [5] Has research collaboration with an Institute of Higher Learning or credible research institute in Singapore
[3] Business network and entrepreneurial track record [6] Extraordinary achievements in key areas of expertise
The EntrePass applicant must also submit a 10-page draft business plan, which includes:

 How will the company spend at least S$100,000 in the first 12 months locally

 How will the company hire at least two Singaporean residents in the first 12 months

5. Tech Pass

Tech Pass which is launch by the Economic Development Board (EDB) is to attract founders, leaders and technical experts with experience in established or fast-growing tech companies, so as to contribute to the development of Singapore’s tech ecosystem. Tech Pass will allow pass holders flexibility in the participation of activities such as starting and operating a business, being an investor, employee, consultant or director in one or more Singapore-based companies, mentoring start-ups and lecturing at local universities.

In order to be eligible for Tech Pass, candidates must meet two of the three criteria: a last drawn monthly salary of at least $20,000 in the past year, at least five years of cumulative experience in a leading role in a tech firm with a valuation or market capitalisation of at least US$500 million or at least US$30 million funding and beyond, or at least five years of cumulative experience in a leading role in the development of a tech product that has at least 100,000 monthly active users or at least US$100 million in revenue.

The Tech@SG programme anchors and supports the expansion of high potential companies in Singapore. This is part of Singapore’s multi-pronged approach to develop a strong base of technology companies and talent to ensure Singapore remains globally competitive. This will also create more opportunities for local tech talent to work in globally competitive teams alongside top tech talent from all over the world.

Navigating the Employment Pass Application Process in Singapore

Landing a fantastic job in Singapore is thrilling, but navigating the visa process can feel daunting. Fear not, future professionals! This guide simplifies the process of obtaining an Employment Pass Application in Singapore.

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before diving into the application process, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) outlines these requirements, including a minimum salary threshold and passing a skills assessment. You can use their handy Employment Pass Self-Assessment Tool to get a quick gauge.

Step 2: Secure Employer Sponsorship

The Singaporean company offering you employment will sponsor your Employment Pass Application. They’ll initiate the process and guide you through the necessary paperwork.

Step 3: Prepare the Application and Supporting Documents

The employer will provide you with an Employment Pass (Sponsorship) application form. Please fill it out thoroughly and gather the required supporting documents, which typically include your passport, educational certificates, and a detailed job description.

Step 4: Online Submission (Preferred Method)

Singapore embraces efficiency! In most cases, your employer can submit the Employment Pass Application electronically via the Ministry of Manpower’s portal. This streamlined process generally yields results within three weeks.

Step 5: Traditional Application (Alternative Method)

If online submission isn’t available, a manual application can be submitted. This method allows for the inclusion of all supporting documents at once, but processing times can extend to eight weeks.

Step 6: Await In-Principle Approval (IPA)

Once MOM reviews your application, it will issue an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter if it is successful. This letter signifies your eligibility to enter Singapore for Employment Pass processing.

Step 7: Entering Singapore and Finalisation

Upon arrival in Singapore, follow the instructions provided by MOM to complete the final Employment Pass processing steps. This may involve fingerprint registration and a medical examination.

Step 8: Receive Your Employment Pass

Congratulations! After successfully completing the course, you’ll receive your official Employment Pass, allowing you to begin your exciting professional journey in Singapore.

Following these steps will make your Employment Pass Application in Singapore a smooth and successful process. Remember, don’t hesitate to reach out to your employer or MOM for any clarification you may need.

Common Challenges in Employment Pass Application

The attraction of working in Singapore, a thriving business hub in Southeast Asia, is undeniable. However, for foreign professionals seeking to secure their spot in the Lion City, navigating the Employment Pass application process can be a hurdle. Here, we’ll explore common challenges applicants face and offer solutions to ensure a smooth application journey.

Overcoming Documentation Hurdles

A meticulous approach to paperwork is paramount for a successful Employment Pass application in Singapore. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) adheres to strict guidelines outlined in the COMPASS framework ([COMPASS Singapore]). Only accurate or complete documentation can lead to delays and even rejections.


Double-check all required documents against the MOM checklist. Ensure they are valid, translated accurately if necessary, and formatted according to specifications.

Meeting the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) Requirements

Singapore prioritises fair hiring practices. The FCF mandates companies to advertise open positions on MyCareersFuture, a government job portal, for a minimum of 128 days for companies with ten or more employees and positions with a salary below S$20,000. This demonstrates a genuine effort to recruit local talent before extending the offer to a foreign applicant.


Partner with your employer to ensure they adhere to FCF regulations. This strengthens your application and showcases transparency.

Salary Considerations and Eligibility Criteria

The minimum salary requirement for an Employment Pass application varies depending on your qualifications and experience. Additionally, specific sectors may have additional eligibility criteria.


Research the minimum salary for your industry and position. Consult the MOM website for the latest Employment Pass eligibility criteria to ensure you meet all requirements.

By understanding these common challenges and implementing the suggested solutions, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful Employment Pass application in Singapore. Remember, meticulous preparation and a collaborative approach with your employer are key to securing your dream job in the Lion City.

FAQs – Employment Pass Application

1. Who needs an Employment Pass Application in Singapore?

This application is required for foreign professionals earning a minimum monthly salary of S$4,500 (subject to change). It’s ideal for those with qualifications and experience in areas sought after by Singaporean companies.

2. What are the benefits of an Employment Pass?

Employment Pass holders enjoy various benefits, including the chance to live and work in Singapore, sponsor family members for Dependent Passes, and apply for Permanent Residency after fulfilling eligibility criteria.

3. What documents are required for an Employment Pass Application in Singapore?

The exact documents may vary, but commonly required ones include your passport, educational certificates, professional qualifications, and a letter of employment from your Singaporean employer.

4. How long does the Employment Pass Application process take?

The processing time for an Employment Pass application in Singapore typically takes four to six weeks.

5. Can I apply for an Employment Pass myself?

While it’s possible, it’s recommended to seek help from a qualified immigration specialist or your future employer. They can guide you through the process and ensure your application is complete and accurate.

6. How much does an Employment Pass Application cost?

The Employment Pass application process involves various fees, including application fees and levies. The exact cost will depend on your circumstances.

7. Is there an age limit for applying for an Employment Pass?

There’s no official age limit for Employment Pass applicants. However, some employers might have specific age preferences in their job postings.

8. Can I renew my Employment Pass?

Yes, Employment Passes are typically valid for an initial period of two to three years, with the option to apply for renewals.

9. What happens if my Employment Pass application is rejected?

If your application is unsuccessful, you can enquire about the reasons for rejection and re-apply with the necessary corrections.

10. Where can I find more information about Employment Pass Applications in Singapore?

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) website provides comprehensive information on Employment Passes in Singapore, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and fees.

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